This world holds possibilities that no other career path could ever fulfill, and is one where beyond the sky is the limit for income, dreams, and goals. The only thing stopping you is the knowledge and training of how to get started and scale your business to the level that makes sense for you right now.
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I have been working exclusively online Since 2006. When I first encountered the world of online marketing back in the spring of 2006, I was enthralled with the idea of “making money while I slept”. I soon discovered that this was hard work and set about to learn as much as I could during my every waking hour. It was a steep learning curve for me because I had little guidance from anyone actually doing this successfully and even more distraction from people peddling bright shiny objects at me.
If only there had been a course like the one I am offering to you here to teach, explain, and guide me through the steps necessary to build a profitable online business, I could have easily shaved a couple of years off of my own learning curve. That’s why I have created the training you have been asking for…
Introducing: The Internet Marketing Six Pack…
Six Solid Modules of Training
to Turn You into a Profitable Online Marketer
For 2025 And Beyond
to Turn You into a Profitable Online Marketer
For 2025 And Beyond
You Need Solid Training,
Not “Pie in the Sky” Bits and Pieces
There are too many ten dollar products out there that promise big results but can’t possibly deliver. Even I can get caught up with these in hopes of learning something new that will benefit my business. The truth is that a seven or ten dollar product will only give you a tiny bit of information, without outlining a blueprint for success from where you are now to closer to where you want to be. Online marketing is a real business, and as such requires training from someone like me who has been there and done all of that consistently for ten years now. Allow me to be your guide through this Six Module live training that will set you up for success during 2018 and beyond.
But What About The “Rolls Royce” Promises Of Riches?
Long gone are the days of internet marketers bragging about their fancy cars, mansions, and lavish vacations in exotic places. Remember those photos people used to show that made you believe you could buy their product and almost instantly live that lavish lifestyle as well? You won’t see those photos on sales pages ever again. Why? It’s because the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) cracked down on that insanity several years ago. The idea that any one product or course could turn you into a millionaire is absurd and detracts from what becoming a successful online entrepreneur is really about – learning how to do business in an honest and straightforward way by sharing your knowledge, expertise, and recommendations with people around the globe who will benefit from their connection with you.
Theory Belongs In The Classroom
This Is Practical Training
This Is Practical Training
This isn’t a course on the theory of online marketing. Theory has its place, but this course – the Internet Marketing Six Pack – is about the practical side of planning, setting up, and running a business from home, or from wherever you happen to be in the world with an internet connection. Over the past ten years my business has carried on profitably from the beaches of southern California, internet cafes across Europe, remote areas of Asia, as well as from my home offices in both Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita, California. I’ll teach you exactly how to do the same thing, in a way that suits your lifestyle and goals.
I have more years of formal education than I care to admit. In fact, I was something of a professional student well into my forties. Looking back I now understand that much of what I learned was theory, when what I truly needed was information on what was working at that time. Whether I was in graduate school working on an MBA, a law degree, or a Master’s in Technology and Instructional Design, the professors dwelled on what “could” be effective more than on what was proven to work well in practice. My promise to you is that I will only cover and teach you what is working in 2025 and beyond.
My Motto Is To “Keep It Simple”
Just as I do with my Online Marketing Incubator and Platinum Mastermind clients, my goal with this live course is to keep it simple. By this I mean that you will only be exposed to what you need and what is working for me and for other successful online marketers. My promise to you is to not waste any of your valuable and precious time with training that is not absolutely crucial to your success.
We Only Learn By Doing
Online entrepreneurship is a worthy goal, and one that can only be accomplished by doing, not by continuing to learn more and more and not applying anything directly to what you are working to achieve. At the end of each of the Six Modules of the Internet Marketing Six Pack you will be given an Action Plan of what to do next to see measurable results right away. And by applying what you learn you will then have different questions. This training builds upon what you already know, what I will be teaching and sharing with you, and what you find out for yourself as you take directed action each week.
Because I’ve been doing this full time for ten years now, I feel uniquely qualified to help you move forward in the right way. And your success as an online entrepreneur is my greatest reward!
But Isn’t It Too Late To Become A Profitable Online Entrepreneur?
Regularly I am asked whether or not the window of opportunity has already closed for new online marketers and entrepreneurs. This is my take on that…
The Problem…Society and the media work hard to convince us otherwise, using excuses like age, education, and connections.
The Solution…Determine your own financial future by investing in yourself and learning the skills that will change your life forever. I started online at age fifty, with almost no technical skills or writing ability, and firmly believe that anyone can be successful at this.
You Already Know How To Do Much Of What Is Required
As An Entrepreneur
You already have the most valuable experience there is – life experience. Starting an online business allows you to draw upon your past trainings, education, and experiences and to lay a solid foundation for what is to come. Whether you’ve held a job, managed a household, helped a friend or family member achieve a goal, or overcome a unique situation in your life, you are already part of way to where you need to be to run a solid internet business.
The Internet Marketing Six Pack Is Coterminous With Your Great Success!
…And I’ll Prove It To You During Each Session
My “Free Cell” Analogy
I’ve been playing a virtual card game called Free Cell on my computer for about ten years now, and I used to believe that I had to get all 52 cards in order before I could win. A few years ago it dawned on me that I really only needed about a third of them to be lined up properly for that to happen. In the image above you’ll see that I still have 35 of the 52 card deck remaining, yet everything is in place for me to accomplish my goal of winning. After I took this screen shot I made just five clicks of my mouse and won the game!
And I’ve got dozens of screen shots showing similar results. Sometimes I only need to get ten or eleven cards into place before winning the game easily. In the beginning this was more of a challenge, but consistent and focused practice makes it all child’s play. You can use this same strategy to build a profitable business and change your life forever, giving you the time and financial freedom to live life the way you choose. You deserve that and I would be honored to be the one to take you there.
So, does this analogy work every time for me? Heck no! In fact, my winning average for this game is only forty-two percent, meaning that I can’t even successfully finish half of the games I attempt. But I still feel like a success and enjoy playing almost daily. I’m at over twenty thousand games attempted at this point in time.
This is how online marketing works as well. When you learn the basics and put about a third of what you know into place, the rest of your business will come together with a few clicks of your mouse. I may be slightly oversimplifying here, but my motto to “Keep It Simple” truly is the path to great success for you as an online entrepreneur. And failing forward more than half of the time is okay. I’m living proof that you can regularly fail more than half of the time and still earn seven figures as an entrepreneur.
If You’ve Always Wanted To Earn Income From Home By
Helping Others, This Is Your Opportunity
Helping Others, This Is Your Opportunity
Helping others is rewarding and satisfying, and I want you to have this experience as you build your business over the next thirty days. Imagine the feeling of being able to help people around the world with your information, guidance, and recommendations. They will be forever grateful to you as their trusted advisor. By making a name for yourself, becoming a trusted advisor in your niche (I’ll help you to choose the perfect niche to get started with), recommending affiliate products and courses and then creating your own information products and courses you will change the direction of your life and financial future forever.
Not everything being taught online today will work for you, just as much of it didn’t work for me back in the early years when I was getting started. I’ll help you to sort out what makes sense so that you can move forward confidently. This is the “each one, teach one” philosophy that I love about the online marketing world.
I’ve been online since the spring of 2006, so it just makes sense that I’ve had more opportunities based on this longevity. I became a “super affiliate” with just a few hundred names on my list, count most other successful online marketers as friends and have them on speed dial, and have access to some of the most brilliant minds now working online. If you’re just getting started, have no list or a list of fewer than a hundred names, it makes sense that you will need different tactics and strategies to rise to the level you want and need as an entrepreneur. And that is exactly why I feel uniquely qualified to take you by the hand and move you closer to where you want to be within the next month.
The Internet Marketing Six Pack Training Course
Will Be Taught And Presented Live Again
During the Summer of 2025 (You’re Included!)
All Sessions From Seasons One and Two Are
Waiting For You In Your Member’s Area Now
The Six Modules In The Internet Marketing Six Pack Include…
Module 1 – Getting Started As An Online Entrepreneur
- What is online marketing and entrepreneurship?
- Why is it so important to build an online business?
- What if I get started with this right away?
- How do I set the wheels in motion?
- Who does my target audience consist of?
- Which streams of income are best right now?
- Which business models fit my lifestyle?
- What are the seven most profitable niches?
Module 2 – Two Perfect Business Models For New Online Entrepreneurs:
Affiliate Marketing And Information Products
- Why everyone has ideas for info products already in their head
How to get those ideas out of your head and into products - Your 10 Step Blueprint for information product creation
- How to create a profitable, list building E-Courses
- Getting started as an affiliate marketer
- Becoming known as the trusted advisor in your niche
- Turning your first $7 product into a $499 online course
Module 3 – Content Creation and Syndication
- Why blogging is still the best strategy, and how to do it quickly
- How to use social media to get your message to your target audience
- How to place one piece of content on thousands of high-traffic sites
- When to create short reports that will make your market trust you
- How to publish as much content as you need in two hours a week
Module 4 – Credibility/Visibility/Joint Ventures
- How to become well known in your niche in the next thirty days
- Why list building is all about becoming a trusted advisor
- How to generate targeted traffic on a daily basis
- What it takes to gain expert status in your niche
- Why this will become second nature to you in no time at all
- How to get successful entrepreneurs to joint venture with me
Module 5 – Technology (This Will Be The Easiest And Most Fun Module – I Promise!)
- Why you only need to learn a tiny bit of HTML code
- How to use your hosting account to securely upload files in seconds
- How to choose keyword rich domains for your sites
- Which hosting companies are best for your needs
- Why WordPress continues to be the best choice for entrepreneurs
- How to set up Google Analytics in a simple, effective way
Module 6 – Next Steps/Advanced Models
- Why authorship is the fastest path to entrepreneurial success
- How to teach profitable online courses
- When to start hosting live events
- Why consulting and mentoring makes sense
- How to scale up your business over time
New Module Just Added!
Module 7 – How to Make “Huge Profits With a Tiny List”
- Why a small list can be far more profitable than a large one
- How I was able to make a big splash into the ocean of IM with my tiny list
- When to start offering courses, live events, and mentoring/consulting
- Why you are positioned perfectly to make huge profits with your tiny list
- How to connect with your tiny list in a way that is impossible with a large list
- Two one-on-one calls with me to discuss your specific situation and to set a course for the next thirty to ninety days for your new business.
- My promise to market your first (or next) product to my entire list and community through your affiliate link. This will make me your very first Joint Venture partner!
- Recommendations for technical assistance and other outsourcers from my personal Rolodex.
The Internet Marketing Six Pack
Training Course Makes Sense for All New Online Entrepreneurs
- Seasons One and Two Are Waiting For You Now in Your Member’s Area So You Can Get Started Immediately and Hit The Ground Running! You’ll Be Included In Season Three and All New Sessions For the Next Two Years, At No Additional Cost

P.S. There is limited seating available for this training course because of the personal attention I am giving to each student throughout our time together. Please do not delay.
P.P.S. You will have full access to all sessions and trainings for The Internet Marketing Six Pack for two full years from the date you join. This is almost unheard of in my world and I am thrilled to offer this to you because my goal is to serve your needs and to help you achieve your goals.
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